Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Call for Agreement

Can the BPM industry please stop 'defining' what BPM is? Please? Pretty please?

Am I the only one who's noticed that every time someone - an individual or a software vendor or a consultant or a book writer or etc... - talks about BPM, the first thing that's discussed is "What is BPM?".

I even caught myself doing just that as I was drafting a newsletter article recently. Ugh!

I know why we do it. We hear different ideas about BPM all the time that oftentimes don't line up with what we think we know about BPM. So, before we delve into what we have to say about BPM, we feel we have to "set the stage" (so to speak).

Why don't we have one definition? Why don't we all agree? Presumably we are all trying to do the same thing, right? So, if we all have the same goal, then we should be able to state it.

From now on, can we all please reference ONE definition for BPM and reference it? May I suggest wikipedia? Here's the BPM entry.

Now, if you have something you want to add, do it there. Let's discuss it, agree to it, and start using it. I will be happy, you will be happy, and most importantly, clients/customers will be happy they have a centralized reference.

By the way, looking at this entry in wikipedia, does anyone know how to eliminate the proposed merger of BPM and BPI entries? Maybe I should define BPM and BPI for you...

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